深奥学习算法和复杂数据集越来越表征现代临床决策支持系统(CDSS)。因此,当在实践中面临艰难的诊断或治疗决策时,临床医生不能轻易或快速地审查CDSS推荐。过度信任或欠信任频繁。先前的研究通过解释DST数据输入和算法机制,探索了支持这些评估。本文探讨了一种不同的方法:提供来自生物医学文学的恰当相关的科学证据。我们展示了一个概念验证系统,临床证据引擎,展示这种方法的技术和设计可行性,跨三个域(心血管疾病,自闭症,癌症)。利用临床生物商,该系统可以基于长度临床问题有效识别临床试验报告(例如,在需要动脉导管的重症监护室中的成年患者中的导尿管感染的风险,如果用POOMIDONE碘 - 酒精治疗)。这种能力使系统能够识别与诊断/治疗假设相关的临床试验 - 临床医生或CDSS。此外,临床证据发动机可以识别临床试验摘要的关键部分,包括患者人群(例如,需要动脉导管的重症监护室的成年患者),干预(POOMIDONE碘 - 醇)和结果(导管感染的风险)。这种能力开辟了使临床医生能够实现1)迅速确定临床试验和临床问题之间的匹配,以及2)了解审判的结果和背景而无需广泛阅读。我们通过说明系统的两个示例使用场景来展示这一潜力。我们讨论了设计DST解释的想法,不像DST或算法那样具体,而是作为域名无话学决策支持基础设施。
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Microprocessor architects are increasingly resorting to domain-specific customization in the quest for high-performance and energy-efficiency. As the systems grow in complexity, fine-tuning architectural parameters across multiple sub-systems (e.g., datapath, memory blocks in different hierarchies, interconnects, compiler optimization, etc.) quickly results in a combinatorial explosion of design space. This makes domain-specific customization an extremely challenging task. Prior work explores using reinforcement learning (RL) and other optimization methods to automatically explore the large design space. However, these methods have traditionally relied on single-agent RL/ML formulations. It is unclear how scalable single-agent formulations are as we increase the complexity of the design space (e.g., full stack System-on-Chip design). Therefore, we propose an alternative formulation that leverages Multi-Agent RL (MARL) to tackle this problem. The key idea behind using MARL is an observation that parameters across different sub-systems are more or less independent, thus allowing a decentralized role assigned to each agent. We test this hypothesis by designing domain-specific DRAM memory controller for several workload traces. Our evaluation shows that the MARL formulation consistently outperforms single-agent RL baselines such as Proximal Policy Optimization and Soft Actor-Critic over different target objectives such as low power and latency. To this end, this work opens the pathway for new and promising research in MARL solutions for hardware architecture search.
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我们研究了在室内路线上捕获的360度图像中的自动生成导航指令。现有的发电机遭受较差的视觉接地,导致它们依赖语言前沿和幻觉对象。我们的Marky-MT5系统通过专注于视觉地标来解决这一点;它包括第一阶段地标检测器和第二级发生器 - 多峰,多语言,多任务编码器 - 解码器。要培训它,我们在房间顶部(RXR)数据集的顶部引导地标注释。使用文本解析器,来自RXR的姿势迹线的弱监督,以及在1.8B图像上培训的多语言图像文本编码器,我们识别1.1M英语,印地语和泰卢语的地标描述并将其接地为Panoramas的特定区域。在房间到室内,人类途径在Marky-MT5的指示之后获得了71%的成功率(SR),只害羞他们的75%SR在人类指令之后 - 以及与其他发电机的SR高于SRS。对RXR更长的评估,不同的路径上的三种语言获得61-64%的SRS。在新颖环境中生成这种高质量的导航指令是迈向对话导航工具的一步,可以促进对指令跟随代理的大规模培训。
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Self-attention techniques, and specifically Transformers, are dominating the field of text processing and are becoming increasingly popular in computer vision classification tasks. In order to visualize the parts of the image that led to a certain classification, existing methods either rely on the obtained attention maps or employ heuristic propagation along the attention graph. In this work, we propose a novel way to compute relevancy for Transformer networks. The method assigns local relevance based on the Deep Taylor Decomposition principle and then propagates these relevancy scores through the layers. This propagation involves attention layers and skip connections, which challenge existing methods. Our solution is based on a specific formulation that is shown to maintain the total relevancy across layers. We benchmark our method on very recent visual Transformer networks, as well as on a text classification problem, and demonstrate a clear advantage over the existing explainability methods. Our code is available at: https://github.com/hilachefer/Transformer-Explainability.
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我们建立了量子算法设计与电路下限之间的第一一般连接。具体来说,让$ \ mathfrak {c} $是一类多项式大小概念,假设$ \ mathfrak {c} $可以在统一分布下的成员查询,错误$ 1/2 - \ gamma $通过时间$ t $量子算法。我们证明如果$ \ gamma ^ 2 \ cdot t \ ll 2 ^ n / n $,则$ \ mathsf {bqe} \ nsubseteq \ mathfrak {c} $,其中$ \ mathsf {bqe} = \ mathsf {bque} [2 ^ {o(n)}] $是$ \ mathsf {bqp} $的指数时间模拟。在$ \ gamma $和$ t $中,此结果是最佳的,因为它不难学习(经典)时间$ t = 2 ^ n $(没有错误) ,或在Quantum Time $ t = \ mathsf {poly}(n)$以傅立叶采样为单位为1/2美元(2 ^ { - n / 2})$。换句话说,即使对这些通用学习算法的边际改善也会导致复杂性理论的主要后果。我们的证明在学习理论,伪随机性和计算复杂性的几个作品上构建,并且至关重要地,在非凡的经典学习算法与由Oliveira和Santhanam建立的电路下限之间的联系(CCC 2017)。扩展他们对量子学习算法的方法,结果产生了重大挑战。为此,我们展示了伪随机发电机如何以通用方式意味着学习到较低的连接,构建针对均匀量子计算的第一个条件伪随机发生器,并扩展了Impagliazzo,JaiSwal的本地列表解码算法。 ,Kabanets和Wigderson(Sicomp 2010)通过微妙的分析到量子电路。我们认为,这些贡献是独立的兴趣,可能会发现其他申请。
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